In the previous article, we are in the stage of writing an outline when I write my essay for me. In the next part of the post, I will continue giving you the tips and experiences to complete a good essay. Let’s check it out.

3. Identifying the references
Depending on the project implementation, when I write my essay for me, the main reference sources shall be
- Curriculum and other relevant subjects
- Books refer to topics related to writing topics.
- Studies, comments on newspapers, magazines, … related to topics
- Website: this is very rich and sometimes the main source of material to support me in writing. However, the source of the web is relatively complex and accurate.
I’ve got some tips for finding documents on the website when I write my essay for me, as follows:
- Using google search engines: it’s not too long to type a keyword not too short to avoid missing the web site, but it doesn’t have to be filtered by the websites that don’t work. I also diversify my typing keywords into google because when I write my essay for me, sometimes, the problem I search is not found by google in this keyword but in another keyword.
- Advanced searching engines in google are also useful. Depending on the search request I can request different search results such as language, keyword, file format,…
- Searches on specialized websites related to topics are also important when I write my essay for me.
4. Write the content
- The opening: there are many people who think that the opening of the essay is the same with an opening in the ill-class literature,but it’s wrong. The preamble in the essay should not be too short and only includes information that is suggestive or supportive. In fact, the preamble of the essay usually has the following contents: the reason for the selection of the topic or the urgency of the topic; the title of the topic, the research purpose, the research object, the scope of research, the research and the structure of the article.
- The contents: based on the set of comments made up to write the contents and clearly presented, bright. Before every section (chapter), when I write my essay for me, it usually has a guide to understand what I’m about to write about, what’s the problem.
- Conclusion: many students write a very short conclusion with the thought of “summarily finish the essay” and often provide no information in the conclusion. This concept is very wrong, because most of the opening, and the conclusion of the essay is often read by teachers first to quickly assess the quality of an article. When I write my essay for me, the conclusion should have the following information: summary of the issues that the article has done, including summing up the highlighted parts of the article, which explain no more unnecessary information (usually numbered 1, 2, 3, …). So it can specify new contributions when I write my essay for me.
- Reference list: When I write my essay for me, typically, it will be recorded in the following order: Main language first, foreign language next. Each document must include information: author’s name, published year, name of the documents, publisher, publishing place, magazine, page number, etc.
5. Complete the presentations and forms
- How to address the essay: should be the writer, author. When I write my essay for me, I always avoid using the personal pronouns: I, we, etc.
- If a person’s opinions are cited, remember to lead specific sources to ensure the authenticity of the article. This is important when I write my essay for me.
- Never forget to use the table system, chart, schematics, images, … to make a lively, clear, coherent post. (footnote), header and footer are also important in the form and content of the essay should also be noted.
- The order of a single essay will be: the cover (page of the printers usually has a sample for you already), the (the cover in the white paper A4), the abbreviation table, the index, the preamble, the appendix.
Here are some experiences that I personally learned and learned in the process of essay. I hope to contribute to the study of students at college.
With a lot of students, essays are like “burdens, extreme tired” and you are very shy. However, personally, I think writing an essay is very useful, not only will it help you to add the academic knowledge, but also to help you train a lot of skills: finding materials, writing, working, working on a thesis, the most important thing to do is that you do a good job.
Through every essay, I learned a lot of knowledge and accumulated more experience. I’ve made essays with all the passion
Good learners and achieve high results in essays in particular and in school in general.
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