You are not actually supposed to read this article right now. Right? You probably have some huge assignment that’s staring at you from your desk. However, the thought of doing any work on that assignment is the last thing on your mind; because you have literally no motivation to do it. Yes, we understand that study motivation is a pretty common problem. Therefore, in today’s blog, Write My Essay For Me is going to provide you with some tips to solve it.
Asking yourself with some “Why” questions
Why are you going to study? Why are you taking that difficult course? Are you struggling because of school or for something else? Emotions are an indispensable part of accomplishing any plan. Knowing something is not enough, you need to make yourself feel inspired. One of the most common misconceptions about study motivation that we have is that it often comes after starting a behavior, not before. You need to study to gain motivation. You need to go inside your own mind and find the vital inspiration to move forward. Therefore, stop waiting for motivation and ask yourself why does this matter? It does not need to be something noble or good. It could just be something like getting a good grade, getting a job, or making some money. When you can answer those “Why” questions, Write My Essay For Me believes that you can immediately start your work.

Those “Why” questions are really important to gain motivation
Finding your suitable environment
Looking for the best environment is an easy and effective way to improve your study motivation. The environment is the invisible hand that shapes your behavior. Many people think that habits are a product of motivation, talent, willpower, and effort. However, as we all knew for a hundred years, the environment around us can affect our personal characteristics and intentions. That can be explained as you strongly feel motivated when surrounded by a classroom of 30 other students in silent writing with a teacher is standing over you. Therefore, you need to go to productive environments, structure the physical and virtual space around you. That will make you find some good choices by default. Write My Essay For Me believes it is not about how motivated you are, but it is about being in the right place and dealing with your laziness.
Working environment impact on motivation
Changing your state
When you have no study motivation, just pay attention to your body. How is it moving? What are your eyes looking for on the screen? How many tabs do you have open on the browser right now? How many other things are you proposing to do? What you need to do is change your emotional condition. When your body gets tired after a long day, your mind gets exhausted. When you have not eaten, your body is craving more calories and your mind finds it hard to focus. In this situation, an easy way to get motivated again is to change your physical state.
Changing your physical state by working out is an effective way
Write My Essay For Me will suggest several ways to do this. First of all, go for a 5-10 minute walk. Spend time with your loved ones, with those who really care about you. Talk about your study motivation levels with someone. Do some yoga or meditation breathing techniques. Play an instrument you liked or take a long warm bath or shower. All those things will get you into a relaxed state of mind. It is important to get you in the right frame of mind. The alpha waves will start rippling through your brain and make you look inwards to introspect and think positively. That is why the best ideas always come when we are on the bus, on the train, or in the shower. At this moment, there are no distractions around. The key here is just relaxing then ease will create and urgency will be destroyed.
Setting up a non-negotiable agreement
This method sounds formalistic but Write My Essay For Me will explain it simply. Call your friends and tell them “If I don’t do my assignment by next week, I’ll give you a hundred pounds”. This is known as a delegation device. If you commit to nothing, you are going to be diverted by various factors. All of you know what is good right now is not necessarily good in the long run of gaining study motivation. Therefore, commitment devices like the non-negotiable agreement are the solution. Choosing what makes you feel comfortable in the short run like not doing the task of studying. It will get more costly. Instead of thinking about losing some weight this year, let go to hit the gym immediately. Take it seriously and study inspiration will come back to you.
Setting up a non-negotiable agreement with your friends
Thinking about your goals
The reason that will make you really excited and passionate is to have the vision of your future constantly playing in your head on a daily basis. You can write it down in your planner, on your phone, and think about it every single night. The more you start wondering about that future version of yourself, the more you start to realize that each step that you are taking towards achieving goals is absolutely important. You will recognize that each grade of each test is necessary and from that, your study motivation will raise.
Setting step by step to achieve your goals
So, let Write My Essay For Me give you some essential advice on studying
Now, you know how to stop falling victim to procrastination. You also know how to consistently stay calm and composed in any situation. You find out the key to study motivation and are willing to learn seriously. You may be looking for someone who can give guidance on your assignment. And here we are! Write My Essay For Me has been a friend for thousands of students. We provide various services for writing essays and papers. With high experience and professional writers, we guarantee to achieve the grade that customers require. Don’t hesitate to keep in touch with us via the following links for information:
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